Monday, March 26, 2018

#SOL18 3-26-18 End-of-Year Intentions

As I head back for my final quarter of the year with a group of children who are dear to my heart, I want to be clear in my intentions.

  1. Listen and connect. Even here at the end of the year, when testing, report cards, and middle school loom, what really matters is relationships. My students are learning and are going to learn. I will continue to do the best teaching that I can. But I have several students who appear to be struggling with depression. They need me to listen and connect. As they head off into the larger world, every one of my students needs to know that they matter. 
  2. Be amazed. If my students leave me knowing how to observe, pay attention, and be amazed by the world, I will be confident that they have the tools to be learners, and I have done my job.
  3. Take care of myself and say no to the end of year mania to do more more more. Because I know how the end of the year is, this should be number one. As a teacher, I have trouble putting it at number one, and that could be a post unto itself.

Thank you for the idea.

This post was written for the March Slice of Life Challenge at


  1. These intentions sound perfect! Here's to a great two months! I love #2! Such important tools and so often overlooked!

  2. Thank you for these thoughtful reminders. The time will FLY by and I want to be sure to cherish every moment with my students. :)

  3. Honestly, I think that unless we're taking care of ourselves, it's hard to exude the positive energy that kids need to feel from us. Beautiful reflections.

  4. All great points, but I particularly love - Be amazed! That's what life gives us, amazement.

  5. Lovely intentions!
    These are ALL important, but honestly, the third one is paramount. Without you, the other two don't exist.

  6. This is wonderful. It's so clear that you see and know your students. We have to be sensitive to what our students truly need: if it's listening and connecting, that may need to be prioritized above academics. And I love "be amazed." I'd be so happy if that could be the focus of every classroom! For teachers to be amazed by the children they teach and for children to be encouraged to be amazed by the world.
